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Study Skills Development


Student Development Study Guide

The SDV 101 Lecture/Focus Notes and Study Guide was designed as a study guide / digital lecture notes for the computer science and information technology students at Tidewater Community College.

SDV 101 – Orientation to Computer Science and Information Technology is a required course for all students who major in computer science and information technology. This course introduces students to the skills which are necessary to achieve their academic goals, to services offered at the college and to the Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS) disciplines. Covers topics such as services at the college including the learning resources center; counseling, and advising; listening, test taking, and study skills; and topical areas which are applicable to IT/CS disciplines. Provides an overview of college policies, procedures, curricular offerings, and general education competencies, and services provided by the college. Assists in student success by providing information regarding effective study habits, career and academic planning, career skills specific for Information Technology and other college resources.

This study guide was designed using AVID principles I learned as an AVID Tutor for the Virginia Beach City Public School.

What is AVID?

AVID is the Advancement Via Individual Determination. It was designed to prepare students in grades 6 – 12 for college.

The AVID program was introduced to the Virginia Beach City Public Schools in the 2005 – 2006 school year. AVID is an elective course for middle and high school students.

Throughout their middle and high school years, AVID students are taught the 5 principles of AVID, WICOR = writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading.

5 Principles of AVID






Practical Applications of WICOR in SDV 101
